Tuesday 19 August 2014

I Beg To Differ…

They made unlikely jihadis; Amal el-Wahabi was described by her own barrister as a "foul-mouthed, phone-addicted, weed-smoking kaffir", Nawal Msaad a glamorous university student who had to be warned by the judge for associating with a male defendant in another court.
Actually, they sound like just the sort of dim-witted airheads who would fall for something like this…
Wahabi was held in the sway of her husband who had swapped drug-dealing and criminality in the UK for jihad in Syria, while her old schoolfriend Msaad was accused of being an unquestioning mule who was drawn by the promise of €1,000 (£800) to carry money to Turkey.
Their appearance in court reveals just how wide the net is being cast by anti-terrorist officers to deter those who are lured to fight in Syria and those who might choose to support them back home. Sources confirm that these two women were not extremists; and were not a threat in any way to this country.
Oh, I don't think you need to be a card-carrying jihadi fighter or supporter to be that, do you? Being enough of an airhead or petty criminal that you can be duped into this sort of thing makes you a threat too.


  1. I think our independent, watchdog media have swallowed whole the Government's line that it's only terrorism where it's carried out by a properly certified member of the Federation of Lone Gunmen, complete with martyrdom video and current membership card for Jihad Club.

  2. Bunny

    I like the way the Guardian describes them as British, its like describing Spike Milligan as Indian.

  3. Today's profile of an urban cocaine dealer is a young Bangladeshi/Pakistani. I know, I have seen. Ask Jaded.

  4. "I think our independent, watchdog media ... "

    Ah, I see what you did there... ;)

    "I like the way the Guardian describes them as British, its like describing Spike Milligan as Indian."


    "Today's profile of an urban cocaine dealer is a young Bangladeshi/Pakistani."

    No wonder we have gang turf wars!
