Friday 8 August 2014

No, Because You Were Too Bone Idle To Fix The Fence & Keep It Under Control...

“My dog died because of the media. That signed his death warrant.”
Ms Smith said she is going to seek legal advice and will be making a complaint to Ann Barnes, Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner.
I bet Barnes files that one away. In the round file.


  1. The pro dog comments in the link are quite bizarre, chavs pro people biting dogs total numpties.

  2. There's a cadre of regular commenters that pick up on the 'Staffie' articles.

    And they are right - properly trained, a Staffie is no more liable to bite than a chihuahua. It's just that when it does, it's a more severe attack.

    And chavs aren't buying chihuahuas. Though their wives often do.
