Monday 15 September 2014

Shouldn't The Police Be More Concerned About Other Aspects Of This Case..?

Police are thought to be concerned that assumptions have been made on the internet about a minor who may never be charged.
They never seem too worried about that when it's a false rape claim, do they?

Perhaps they should be more concerned with their own hand in this:
A 15-year-old bailed on suspicion of causing a blaze that killed at least 50 dogs was attacked by a dangerously out-of-control dog earlier this year, it emerged last night.
Because the MEN has cleansed their files of the story, I can't even find out what the owner eventually got...


  1. We are fools to spare public services with a habit of doing nothing, the consequences of sloth.

  2. As you imply they don't seem too bothered when it is Plod themselves that is making the assumptions.

  3. Occasions when plod do worse than nothing, appear to be on the rise.

    Check out the Mail headline: 'Child-sex victim confronts her alleged abuser in the street... but SHE is aggressively arrested by a van load of police'.

    Shaun Wright argues that South Yorks plod responses are 'spot on'. Well, when you take the average of extremes....

  4. @MTG. Depends what went on in the street, you don't say so I'm guessing she went ballistic and they had to arrest her. Are you proposing that accused people have to stay in prison so they don't bump into their accusers?

  5. @ LT. My conclusion that UK police and CPS are not fit for purpose, is unlikely to be significantly swayed by this or any future event.

    Please revisit my comment, for I laid no claim to witnessing the particular arrest. My views are reserved to the self-inflicted image of chaotic shambles which is South Yorks Police.

  6. "...they don't seem too bothered when it is Plod themselves that is making the assumptions."

