Monday 15 September 2014

“We’re From The Muttaween, Son, And We ‘Avent ‘Ad Our Halal Dinner!”

A video showing a semi-naked man wearing a burka while doing an ice bucket challenge outside a mosque is being …
Shared on FaceBook? Sent on Twitter?
… investigated by police.
You’re kidding me?
The man, wearing only his underwear, socks and shoes and a makeshift burka — a traditional female Muslim headscarf — makes several offensive remarks about Islam.
It is believed a number of people reported the incident to police, who are now investigating the incident as a hate crime.
And, the police being overstretched (or so they constantly tell us…), they laughed and shelved it.

Ha! Kidding! No, of course they didn’t.
PC Mel Jackson said: “We are aware of a video. “The content is offensive and has caused distress in the local community - a hate incident has been recorded and is being investigated.
“If anyone knows the identity of any of those in the video we would urge them to contact us.”
And of course, the usual suspects are displaying unimaginable amount of chutzpah:
Imteyaz Ali, from Bolton Council of Mosques, said: “Frankly this sort of behaviour is unacceptable and not welcomed by anybody or any group.
“If this is an ice bucket challenge, it’s about time these people cooled their extremist views. "
*chokes* You’re ‘avin a laugh, aren’t you?
"It is not helpful and the people prosecuted should be dealt with robustly by the authorities.
“They could do something like this outside any place of worship, whether it’s an Islamic one or not, and this is what I would think.”
Yes, indeed they could, but it seems only one religion would spit its dummy like this, eh?
Police are also investigating after a video showing the beheading of American journalist James Foley was posted on the Stop The Astley Bridge Mosque page.
They are investigating what, exactly?


  1. I can think of at least one masked hate criminal I would prefer to see nailed.

  2. other news from the same newspaper, a Bolton man may be next in line for beheading by Isis.
    At this moment, I don't see anything on the Bolton Council of Mosques website having anything to say about that.

    If a bit of bacon, wearing a veil and speaking some harsh language outside a mosque is 'extreme', then the debasement of what words mean in the English language continues apace.

    Beheading a man from Bolton is extreme.
    It takes chutzpah for the BCoM to condemn the near beheading of Lee Rigby as 'unislamic', but not to condemn their prophet for exactly the same extreme violence.

  3. How far outside the mosque? On the steps? On the street? In the car park? Ninety miles due north? How far, precisely, does the Islamic Zone of Purity extend beyond the physical boundaries of the mosque itself? It's this sort of ambiguity that leads to multicultural stresses and misunderstanding. Perhaps if the Muslim Council of Britain were to issue some kind of religious ordinance clarifying the radius of Islamic sanctity,then they could then further underline it for us by having groups of young men patrol these zones enforcing the Shariah in those areas........oh, wait.........

  4. I hope this isn't diverting police resources from investigating Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Peterborough.... ?

  5. "At this moment, I don't see anything on the Bolton Council of Mosques website having anything to say about that."

    And you almost certainly never will...

    "How far, precisely, does the Islamic Zone of Purity extend beyond the physical boundaries of the mosque itself? "

    I think we can be certain of one thing - it's steadily expanding.
