Friday 24 October 2014

And What Reception Will You Give Journalists, Or Ottawa's Police Chief..?

Barely 24 hours after a gunman attacked Parliament Hill in Ottawa, killing a soldier, lawmakers gave a standing ovation to Kevin Vickers, the legislature's sergeant-at-arms, for reportedly firing the shots that took down the assailant.
Vickers, 58, stood at attention and appeared close to tears before the House of Commons as the applause wore on. He's being regarded as a hero in Canada for keeping the gunman from penetrating farther into the parliamentary compound.
As RAB at 'Counting Cats...' points out, he's a brave man, and more importantly, a man who had the right tools for the job to hand when he needed them.

But sadly, he's too late to prevent further penetration of Canadian society:
She was dismissive of uncovered plots against the Canadian state and instead focused on Muslims who had volunteered for the security services. She then went on to suggest that unless Canada dropped its opposition to ISIS the Muslim community might change its allegiance.
And far too late to prevent further penetration of the country's police farce:
Ottawa police Chief Charles Bordeleau sent out a letter that encouraged building the relationships between ethnic groups over breaking them.
He also said police are aware of potential concerns for Muslim groups. ​
"This is about one individual who committed a despicable act," Bordeleau said, "I want to reassure [groups] should there be any backlash that they notify us.… We are there to continue to support them."
What can you say? Other, that is, to echo Farenheit451:
"This murderous attack should be a lesson to us all, and that lesson should be that wherever Islam goes and wherever Islam is tolerated or indulged, there is violence from the followers of Islam. This violence is so often aimed at those at the individuals and institutions of those countries which naively tolerate or facilitate Islam. We’ve seen this now not only in Canada, but also in the United States and the United Kingdom."


  1. There are times when I can be fully supportive of F451's views. It is quite possible he may yet be proved correct on this occasion. But I pour scorn upon speculative nonsense and your thread is a feeble excuse for thoughtless pandering to the same.

    Until hard evidence to the contrary surfaces, the rational must regard the attack as motiveless. Therefore the calm fostered by a Canadian Police Chief can only be applauded.

    Those intent on joining a pitchfork gang, intent on reprisal executions of randomly selected Muslims, will fabricate their own justification without your helpful intervention, Julia.

  2. Children should be taught the criticaly battles of Poitiers, Lepanto and Vienna, without which there would be none of the freedoms the West is now in the process of surrendering.
    (Julia your one captcha is too distorted for reading accurately, making this post takes many attempts)

  3. And of course the battle of Tours, when the Frankish host under Charles 'The Hammer' saved the West from the Moorish hordes in 732AD. Today we still need the hammer to crush the Moor. Nothing changes, only context.

  4. I may have to lie down in a darkened room. Not only are Melv's comments legible and understandable, I find myself agreeing with him! Please pass the smelling salts.

  5. Jolly decent of you, Penise.
    Let us await PC's Moe and Curly for the hat trick.

  6. MTG:
    Oh come off it!
    The "reprisals" from the Canadian public will be approx the same as from the British - plus or minus **** all, despite the incredible provocation and the attempts of serial stirrers like Tell Mama.

    Of course if anyone Canadian or British had so much as sniggered at Mo in a Muslim-run country they'd be minus their head sharpish.

    I'm sick of the natives of civilized* countries being compared unfavourably to medieval barbarians.

    * And, yes, I know that "civilized" is relative but when you are comparing a very tolerant peaceful society to a vicious authoritarian death-cult does the comparative process really have to detain us for a millisecond?.

  7. It wasn't as if the guy had any real affiliation to ISIS / ISIL. He was just an entitled S.O.B. with a history of drug abuse who was having a hissy fit because he was forced to wait for a passport. The Sergeant at Arms simply disposed a waste of space.

    My bet is that if he'd even made it to his desired destination, he'd have been starring in one of those 'How to lose your head' video's in very short order.

  8. She then went on to suggest that unless Canada dropped its opposition to ISIS the Muslim community might change its allegiance.

    Um... we are constantly told that ISIS are a bunch of murderous barbarians that have nothing to do with the Blessed Religion of Peace, by all and sundry, like Barry in the White House and iDave in Parliament. Yet this fuckwit of an "Islamist" journalist thinks the moderate nice and good Muslims will "Change sides" unless we toady up to ISIS?

    Look, there are no moderate Muslims, there are just Muslims, all the horror shit is in the Books and in the history of Islam. So actually she is right, but being disingenuous, when push comes to shove (and it will) all Muslims will be on the other side to us, whoever the hell US is anymore, such are the erosion of Western values.

    Thanks for the mention Julia. I just want to have the tools to do the job when the job needs to be done. I will never get them however, without criminalising myself.

  9. "Until hard evidence to the contrary surfaces, the rational must regard the attack as motiveless."

    Really? What are you waiting for, a copy of the Koran left at the scene?

    "... I find myself agreeing with him! "

    Oh dear! Something stronger than smelling salts is called for!

    "The "reprisals" from the Canadian public will be approx the same as from the British - plus or minus **** all..."

    Indeed so. What does it say about the State that they keep saying how much they fear this, though?

    "It wasn't as if the guy had any real affiliation to ISIS / ISIL."

    Do we have to wait until they produce a membership card?

    "So actually she is right, but being disingenuous..."

    'Taquiya', don't they call it?

  10. "Really? What are you waiting for, a copy of the Koran left at the scene?"

    Gosh that won't do, Julia. One waits for something more convincing than Johnny Bull's attempt at framing Bunter by breaking into Greyfriars Tuck shop to plant a large chocolate cake.
