Wednesday 8 October 2014

Having Toast For Dinner Is A Sign You Failed As A Mother…

Suzanne Moore decries the Tory Party Conference’s ‘attack’ on single mothers:
The reality of lone parenthood is often that of the mythical hardworking family. Look at the young women of the Focus E15 campaign, who are refusing to be “socially cleansed” out of Newham. Many of them are on courses, trying to get the skills they need.
Maybe they should have got those skills before they became pregnant? Or perhaps instead of becoming pregnant?
One would have thought local Labour politicians would be right behind their occupation of a ghost estate. But that would require class solidarity.
No, it would require them to spit in the faces of the voters who work low-paid jobs to save for their own housing costs, rather than hold a hand out for benefits.

They aren’t that stupid!
And after “immigrants”, single mothers – women who breed to get housing – are the most vilified by all. No one officially likes child poverty, but we have a political class prepared to make sure that many mothers have toast for dinner.
Having toast for dinner is a sign you’ve failed – not a sign that someone isn’t forking out what’s needed to ensure you have caviar, Suzanne.


  1. "And after “immigrants”, single mothers – women who breed to get housing – are the most vilified by all."
    What a load of rubbish pro single mums who have children and then say give me money or the child gets hurt are the most vilified in society. If you don't understand why then you are missing something.

  2. Of course what Suzanne Moore conveniently steers away from is the fact that rather than being the kind of "poor aspirational and disadvantaged" women Guardianistas love to trot out to justigy themselves, in fact most of these women are fat, lazy, apathetic, dumb womb factories whose only life skill was a knowledge from early teens that if they funk out a couple of kids and fill in the forms, the state will pay thier way for life.

    Unfair? Untrue? Not at all. They certainly know how to parade thier self-inflicted poverty for the benefit of any journalist looking for a weepy story.

    The noise however is the noise of a comfy gravy train screeching to a halt. The message needs to go out to this entire social class that dropping sprogs is no longer a free ticket. These people contribute nothing to society except to burden the benefits system, the school system, the social housing system, the social services and the Police with endless work paid for by the taxpayer. Neither these women or thier damned offspring will ever contribute anything to our country other than being a fag-smoking burden on the rest of us all thier lives.

    Well all know it's true. There are people in true need but these mothers aren't it - not even close. They are a shameless disgrace who have been enabled in thier sloth by years of do-gooding Governments.

    And as for the "condemned to eat toast" line - don't make me laugh. Just look at them - they're eating a shitload more than toast...

  3. Why has she placed the word "immigrants" in inverted commas? Is one an immigrant or is one not?

  4. Toast for dinner? My parents planned their second child (me) when rationing ended. My parents did everything they could do to keep us well. Dad kept an allotment, mum picked garden fruit, made jam, baked bread and cakes. Get the picture? Meat on the table every day? Not on your life matey, my mother sometimes had toast embellished with dripping, clever girl. She's still going strong at p94. Private Eye have an eye on her.

  5. This bean-flicking is quite amusing.

    As John M points out, these women have been inseminated in bus shelters and the like - essentially laboratories for dysgenetists.

    Of course, breeding savage, illiterate retards makes Suzanne Moore look smarter - until she has to deal with one of them.

    Which I hope she does. They can 'connect', you see.

  6. "What a load of rubbish pro single mums who have children and then say give me money or the child gets hurt are the most vilified in society."

    Spot on! There are many causes of 'single motherhood'. Widows don't come in for stick. Why would they?

    "They certainly know how to parade thier self-inflicted poverty for the benefit of any journalist looking for a weepy story."

    I think the 'Guardian' has them on speed-dial...

    "Why has she placed the word "immigrants" in inverted commas? Is one an immigrant or is one not?"

    I could blame the copy editor, if there was any evidence the rag ever had one...

    "Which I hope she does. They can 'connect', you see."

    God, me too!
