Wednesday 8 October 2014

Tune Time: "Starting from zero got nothing to lose, maybe we'll make something, me myself I got nothing to prove..."

Not my usual choice of music, but there's something totally hypnotic about Tracy Chapman's 'Fast Car':

Whether is's the slow beat, the heartfelt lyrics or just the fact you can guarantee not going more than a day listening to Radio 2 before it's played, I don't know...


  1. Alternatively...

  2. Great album too, second only to INXS's "Welcome to wherever you are" as an 80's/90's seduction record.

  3. This is one of those few songs that is guaranteed to my the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Like you, I don't even know if I like it or not, but it has me mesmerised, like a rabbit in headlights.

    It's good to know I'm not alone! (There is a quote from C.S.Lewis there somewhere, but I can't quite remember it. Thanks for posting.

  4. Personally I prefer Sarah Jane Morris' cover of this song (Morris was guest lesbian in The Communards' rendition of Don't leave me this way).

  5. I've been sitting in the Mermaid listening to Ray Waters playing solo guitar rock and roll classics. Awesome stuff. He's male, not particularly interested in fame at any cost and will not be seen on BGT etc. so he plays pubs. Our gain. While listening I tried to read me blogs, no chance. Tracy Chapman caught me out once. Nice memories.

  6. "Alternatively..."

    Oh, great find! :)

    "This is one of those few songs that is guaranteed to my the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "

    Exactly! It's maybe the cadence? No other song quite like it.

    "Personally I prefer Sarah Jane Morris' cover of this song..."

    Oooh, will look that up on YouTube.
