Friday 3 October 2014

War Of The Roses. And Gardenias, And Orchids, And...

Basildon Council has written to 533 houses about the change, which aims to simplify addresses on the streets after new homes were added over the years.
But furious residents have hit out at the new names, chosen by local children, saying they are a waste of time and will cause endless problems.
Oh boy..!
Pat O’Connor, of Mellow Purgess, will have her road changed to Gardenia Close. She said: “We’re not taking this lying down – we’re fighting this all the way.
“We’ve been canvassing hundreds of residents across the estate and so far I’ve only found one person who has said they’re not worried.
“We’re planning our strategy and there’ll be a backlash. We just don’t want to say too much at the moment so as not to give the game away.”
I'm scared, I son't know about Basildon Council..!
Doreen Bishop, 67, of Newberry Side, will be living in Lobelia Mews. She said: “I’ve lived here for 43 years and there’s just no need.
“And why have children been allowed to choose the names?”
Because the ickle kiddiewinks now run everything. Didn't you know?
Phil Turner, council leader, said the council has consulted with local schoolchildren, who chose the flower theme.
But clearly not the residents who'd have to live there.
He said: “The road names are being changed to ensure the council conforms with its legal duty to ensure estates and roads around Five Links are coherently named and numbered, for the benefit of existing and future residents.
“A sensible numbering and naming plan assists with navigating the estate on foot and by car, especially in emergency situations.”
Don't they mostly use sat-nav?
“It is commonplace in such regeneration projects around existing residential properties which are remaining. The Post Office is aware of the new addresses and will also know the old addresses. It was also included in the consultation process.
“The new names are all based on the names of flowers, continuing the theme agreed for phase two of the development.”
'Agreed' in the sense of 'We, your masters, have decreed it so'..?


  1. The council has decided to hold a consultation exercise with interested parties to tell them what's going to happen whether they object or not.

    Sameold sameold

  2. The usual "we are listening" schtick. It won't stick, they dangle the carrot in front of the children to legitimise it and use that as the stick to beat the grownups with. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  3. RR which aims to simplify addresses on the streets RR

    Right, so, to simplify them, they will change them over night, so that people that have lived there for generations now do not have a fucking CLUE what the name of the street 500 yards away is?

  4. " tell them what's going to happen whether they object or not."

    Yup... :/

    "Right, so, to simplify them, they will change them over night, so that people that have lived there for generations now do not have a fucking CLUE what the name of the street 500 yards away is?"

    It's likely they adopt Humpty Dumpty's definition of wording... :/
