Friday 3 October 2014

Why Can’t I Have A Grizzly Bear?

I mean, I can have one, two, even seven of these!
Andrew Russell, 90, is facing surgery for the horrific injuries he sustained from the American bulldog.
Mr Russell intervened when the dog broke free from its owner and lunged at his wife, Dot in Main Street, West Calder, on Saturday afternoon.
Why, oh why are these things invariably owned by morons?
The dog has been seized by police and a report has been sent to the procurator fiscal, but the owner has not been charged.
It wasn’t just the pensioner the thing savaged either:
Mr Irvine said his family was overwhelmed by the support from the people who stopped to help his elderly grandparents during the attack.
He added: “There were lots of witnesses and passers-by who jumped to help – one man also suffered bites when trying to get the dog off my grandfather.
“Thankfully they were more than willing to intervene. If they hadn’t I do not think he would have survived the attack.
“We want to thank people who came to help.”
Once again, passers-by are at the spot trying to help long before the police roll up with their hi-vis & Taser…


  1. Aye, well b passers are exactly that, they are not kilometers away filling out complaints from Shazza about Wayne nicking her virginity again, or whatever.

    Of course, IF you are willing to pay hundreds more in tax, then EVERY one could be supplied with their personal police officer that would be "on scene" 24 hours per day.

  2. Nice Daily Mailesque dig Julia in the last line.
    Surely even you don't expect a PC on every street corner?

  3. "Surely even you don't expect a PC on every street corner?"

    Our village had those superior cardboard plods installed last week, Julia. No complaints from the public and not a single recruit reported sick or made a claim for compensation!

  4. Sorry to continue the slightly negative theme. You ask why these things are inevitably owned by morons, not all of these things, rather all of these things which get the attention of News Shopper. Neutering the owners for the sake of the dogs may be a touch harsh yet tempting.

  5. Put one in your shed Melvin and see if it works.

  6. "Aye, well b passers are exactly that, they are not kilometers away filling out complaints from Shazza about Wayne nicking her virginity again, or whatever."

    Sadly true.

    "Surely even you don't expect a PC on every street corner?"

    No, but perhaps a bit more attention to these beasts before they become a problem wouldn't hurt?

    " Neutering the owners for the sake of the dogs may be a touch harsh yet tempting."

    Don't forget the muzzle.
