Tuesday 25 November 2014

No, No, Clearly She’s The Victim…

Detective Chief Inspector Carwyn Hughes said: "On Wednesday 29 October we received a report of a 14-year old girl being raped by a man in Sheep Walk, which runs between Rottingdean and Ovingdean.
“We take all such reports very seriously and were quick to respond.
However, an extensive and thorough investigation by local officers and by the Surrey and Sussex Major Crime Team has now made it very clear, as the girl herself has now admitted, that no such incident took place."
So, you’ll be charging her, will you?
No police action is being taken against the girl who made the report and DCI Hughes said; "The girl has been given access to sources of welfare and counselling support."

Clearly, this chap wasn't quite ‘troubled’ enough to benefit from some lenient justice.
Judge Juckes QC said Wixey was obviously a troubled man but drink had played a major part in the offences. At one stage he had tried to commit suicide. What was concerning was the waste of police time and the effect the allegations would have upon persons with genuine complaints of rape.
I guess some police time is worth wasting?


  1. Far better to donate one's time and 15p to charity than squander both on a call to 101.

  2. Hmmm... That wasn't me. I wonder who's impersonating me?

  3. Call me paranoid but I don't trust one of my multiple personalities.

  4. "Far better to donate one's time and 15p to charity than squander both on a call to 101."

    Spot on!


