Tuesday 25 November 2014

Oh, The Butthurt Is Of Awesome Proportions Here…

Worthing residents have shot down proposals for new 20mph speed limits across the town.
More than two thirds of people asked by West Sussex County Council about plans to reduce the speed limit said ‘no’ following a three-month, £26,000 consultation.
A resounding triumph!
Council chiefs will decide what to do next at a committee meeting.
I’d have thought that was obvious…

Needless to say, toys are exiting prams at warp velocity:
Duncan Kay, of pro-20mph group 20’s Plenty, said Worthing residents stood to lose the chance for safer streets because of scaremongering, threats of bus cuts and the “failure” of the council to properly explain the benefits.
Go on, Duncan, stamp those feet! Screw up that face until the tears flow!
He added that threats from bus company Compass Travel to cut services if the plans went ahead were never justified and that children, young people, minority groups and those with disabilities were not included on consultation steering groups.
“Waaaah! Won’t someone think of the identity politics groups!!”


  1. "Council chiefs will decide what to do next at a committee meeting."

    Well that's an easy decision:- "The hoi polloi didn't vote the way we wanted them to, so we'll just keep repeating the exercise until they get tired or bored, and we get our own way."

    Obviously councils exist for the benefit of councils, and the natives are just another cross we poor public servants have to bear...

  2. Duncan Kay, of pro-20mph group 20’s Plenty, said Worthing residents stood to lose the chance for safer streets
    Rubbish, what people don't realise is that over a year ago Chief Constables nationwide said that 20mph zones were "self enforcing" and no extra police would be made available.
    That "could change"
    but I wouldn't hold my breath as we are being told of endless cuts in the police service, and what would I know of 20 zones ?, I live on one and it is for most motorists totally ignored knowing there is NEVER a police presence or any other sort of enforcement.

  3. "Well that's an easy decision..."

    I suspect so! :/

    "...but I wouldn't hold my breath as we are being told of endless cuts in the police service..."

    Funny, they never seem to affect their ability to harass Tweeters & bloggers...
