Tuesday 25 November 2014

Oooh, That's A Tough One, 'Guardiam'...

...but I'll venture the answer's 'by not doing anything wrong':

And when those 'eyewitnesses' are proven - by forensics - to be lying through their teeth, they don't count for as much as you might hope.

But you got your wholly predictable riot, so you're still happy.


  1. But it won't end there will it? I expect to hear before long that the officer has been indicted on Federal charges.

  2. The rise of the (Twitter) sub-culture, insisting their mob is entitled to dispense "justice" as it sees fit if a court judgement is not to its liking, will destroy what little remains of our once-great institutions.
    1984 & Brave New World give way to Atlas Shrugged - we're doomed.

  3. Almost stooping to a street beheading, Wilson initially stopped Brown for alleged jaywalking.

    There was always a far better chance of surviving multiple taserings than a full magazine of splintering ammunition pumped through the skull.

    Yankplod are really hot on jaywalking and such zero tolerance would maintain Essex pavements in a cyclist and n****r-free condition, Julia.

  4. Ah yes, nothing serves the cause of "social justice" more than the looting and torching of stores. Especially small mom-and-pop ones.

  5. "burn this bitch down" not exactly MLK.

  6. “Ninety-three percent of blacks are killed by other blacks...white police officers wouldn’t be there,” (Rudy) Giuliani said, “if you weren’t killing each other.”

    Damn those racist facts !

  7. "But it won't end there will it?"

    It has now, poor sod's resigned.

    "The rise of the (Twitter) sub-culture, insisting their mob is entitled to dispense "justice" as it sees fit if a court judgement is not to its liking, will destroy what little remains of our once-great institutions."

    I suspect you're right, but social media's just the vehicle.

    "There was always a far better chance of surviving multiple taserings..."

    Have you seen those vids of people getting Tasered and it not working, perchance?

    ""burn this bitch down" not exactly MLK."

    He'd be turning in his grave at this, if he hadn't already drilled down to the centre of the earth long ago...
