Tuesday 23 December 2014

Because No-One Spoils Christmas Like A 'Guardian' H&S Wonk..

You’re rushing off to the toy shop for that special present to make any child jump for joy.
 *nods happily*
But wait a minute. How prepared are you?
Hmmm, let's see.

Wrapping -- check!
Gift tag - check!

OK, I'm good to go!
Have you read the report Toy Related Deaths and Injuries 2013, from the US-based Consumer Product Safety Commission? Or did you see the latest research from the BMJ on the health risks of Nintendos? Or the report this month from Clinical Pediatrics showing that the rate of toy-related injuries among children and adolescents increased by 40% between 1990 and 2011?


No one wants to be an elf and safety bore and wrap our children in cotton wool but shouldn’t we try to be responsible Santas?
So the only thing left to worry about is cooking the turkey thoroughly and pacing the drinking. Happy healthy Christmas.
*guzzles neat gin*