Wednesday 24 December 2014

Scotland Gives Us A Glimpse Of What A Police State Would Look Like...

Yep, as a result of some tasteless jokes on Twitter, there's now a whole legion of shiny-trousered 'cops' hitting 'Refresh' every 10 seconds. Great, eh?

I suppose it is preferable to doing the often hard and thankless job they are paid for, I suppose...

Funnily enough, no Taggart-wannabe has come to take my statement...

Not that they don't have a legion of self-selected Twitter Police all eager to help out. Just look at the torrent of hysterical abuse poor Andrea got simply for pointing out what the real cops would consider SoP in these circumstances anyway...

These people have very little in the way of brain cells to rub together.

Twats like these probably think Voltaire is some form of electrical testing equipment...


  1. The astra man tweet is utter garbage.

    I, for one, am perfectly happy to defend the right of other people to make statements I fundamentally either disagree with or even abhor.

    While I might wish, for examples, that SMFS and Christine "Perfect Storm of Stupidity" Grahame (MSP) would occasionally just shut the eff up, censoring them, rather than pointing out their errors, is simply wrong.

  2. Is this "Astra man" hard of thinking, or what?

    How the HEL could what you said be construed as supporting the origional Twatter!?

    Which I actualy think was your point here. But I am just amased art such imbecility.

    As to what the Police said...... Hahhahahahaha!

    NOW I have something to do tomorow. :-D A game of "How insulting can you be?"

  3. Careful FT, else you'll be finding a EU Arrest warrant landing on the counter of your local nick..

  4. Ahh they did. Which was it they refused, and now complain like Hel when E.U police forces refuse to give them info???

  5. "...censoring them, rather than pointing out their errors, is simply wrong."

    Quite. The answer to 'hate speech' is more speech, not less.

    "But I am just amased art such imbecility."

    I've pretty much got used to it!

    "Which was it they refused, and now complain like Hel when E.U police forces refuse to give them info???"

    Hmmm, I wonder..?
