Wednesday 24 December 2014

Well, Zoe, I Won't Wish You 'Happy Christmas' Then...

...I'll just say 'Sucks to be you!'.
This is when you’re faced with the question that you should have squared up to 20 years ago: how do you formulate an anti-consumerist worldview that doesn’t involve becoming a killjoy? How do you eschew consumption while still maintaining your spiritual hollowness? The people buying the plastic have annexed the space “fun”, while the people with the baby in the manger have appropriated “thought”. I have no ideological home in this season. But I do love the drinking.
The NuPuritans won't like that!


  1. The Saxon says Merry Christmas to all good folk- you know who you are. Read and weep:

  2. Anti - Consumerist?

    Why not just not buy loads of crap? Why be 'anti' and expect everyone else not to buy loads of crap too?

    Too many people are incapable of forming a word view without expecting everyone else to conform to it.

  3. Most atheists enjoy pointing out that the mid-winter bash is really all about the winter solstice and pre-dates Christianity by a very long time indeed. As for the consumerism part. Almost everyone loves opening a pile of prezzies, just don't go too daft and don't buy a load of pointless shit that nobody needs and that you can't afford. Easy!

    A merry Solstice to you Julia, this is one of my favourite blogs.

    Love from Stonyground

  4. Miserable bloody cow can drink herself to death then.

  5. 'How do you eschew consumption while still maintaining your spiritual hollowness?'

    Always warm the cucumber first.

  6. "The Saxon says Merry Christmas to all good folk- you know who you are."

    I hope you had a good one!

    "Why not just not buy loads of crap? Why be 'anti' and expect everyone else not to buy loads of crap too?"

    That's a progressive for you!

    "A merry Solstice to you Julia, this is one of my favourite blogs."

    Thank you, and I hope the solstice brought you all you desired!

    "Always warm the cucumber first."

