Monday 15 December 2014

I Think I’ve Realised Why Yasmin’s Out Of Work…

…and so relying on a foodbank; she’s as thick as a whale sandwich:
"I'd love to be able to afford some vegetables, I really would," says 20-year-old Yasmin.
"Being a qualified cook, I'd love to make myself a nice risotto or something. But I'm not rich; I'm not posh. I can't afford nice food."
Oh, wait…. *rummages*

Ah, there we go!
For the last year Yasmin has been living at the YMCA in Burton-upon-Trent. She is one of an estimated four million people in food poverty - without enough money to make healthy eating choices.
The counter-intuitive reality - particularly for poorer women - is perfectly illustrated by what she says next.
"I've gained loads of weight since I've lived in the YMCA because when I'm not eating my body stores the fat and makes me fatter. And then when I am eating, it's just stuff like rice and cheap stodgy stuff. You can't afford to eat nicely," she says.
You mean…rice like that healthy risotto you were desperate for, in just the other paragraph..?

Gimmie a look at those 'qualifications', Yasmin. I have a hunch they might be more use to you if they were written on rice paper...


  1. There's a girl later in the same article (Sarah) who was told she only had to apply for 6 jobs in order to continue receiving benefits. Knowing this, she chose instead to apply for 5.

    I'm baffled at what the system is supposed to do in the face of such complete lack of personal responsibility.

  2. Maybe if she got out and WALKED around to the various places that employ people and asked about the possibility of a job she would loose the excess fat.

    The other thing I have to ask, how many fat Chinese do you generally see, especially those that mainly eat rice?

  3. "I'd love to be able to afford some vegetables"

    You can get four tins of peas, carrots or mushrooms for a quid at Tesco. How poor is she?

  4. Perhaps she "trained to cook" at some fast food joint - might explain her dim confusion about what is real food.

  5. I bought 1.3 kgs of pork form a butcher in the Square Mile for £13.

    I get four meals out of it. The vegetables are pin money.

    I'd give one of these lazy fuckers £5 to shine my shoes (properly) for ten minutes' work. (I shine them on Sundays, but can't be bothered to do it every day.)

    I love Mark, the revolutionary on the left (snork). Tell you what, son, I'll pay for your one-way ticket to North Korea, where you will get work and bread.

    But he won't, because he is a snivelling parasite. My grounds for saying this (and I am about to shout):

    So fuck you Mark, merry fucking Christmas to all you bludgers. I wonder how well those BBC people are eating. You should have coshed those Islington wankers and done them over.

  6. So not eating makes your body store fat? fat from where exactly?
    Right, so to lose weight you need to eat lots of fat?
    And boil in the bag rice sells for fucking peanuts,throw in a tin of pilchards and you have a decent meal that costs pennies and I know this because it was one of my staples during my lean years.

  7. "when I'm not eating my body stores the fat and makes me fatter"

    It's a physiological miracle, I tell you!

    Perpetual motion machines here we come...

  8. "I'm baffled at what the system is supposed to do in the face of such complete lack of personal responsibility."

    I know what I'D like it to do..!

    "The other thing I have to ask, how many fat Chinese do you generally see, especially those that mainly eat rice?"

    It used to be a sign of prosperity - it meant you could afford meat!

    "Perhaps she "trained to cook" at some fast food joint..."

    Good point!

    "I'd give one of these lazy fuckers £5 to shine my shoes (properly) for ten minutes' work. "

    They all wear trainers. They'd stare, baffled, at a tin of Kiwi!
