Monday 15 December 2014

I For One Welcome Our New Flying Overlords!

...the police, not so much:
Chief Inspector Nick Aldworth of the Metropolitan Police told the EU Internal Market, Infrastructure and Employment sub-committee that drones, known as Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (or RPAS) in Blighty’s official parlance, had been used maliciously in the country, but the cops only really found out about it from the internet.
 I wish I was surprised at that, I really, really do!
“Certainly we are looking at the emergence of this technology, that we believe undoubtedly creates opportunities for negligent, reckless or malicious use,” he said.
“We’ve seen some behaviour and examples across the world that we would seek to enforce against, and some of that has occurred in the UK," he added.
 And just how are you going to 'enforce against it'?
...although laws exist that can cover drone offences, it’s not easy to catch the perpetrators.
Answorth said even if you happened to notice a drone outside your window and called the police, unless they showed up immediately, it would be pretty tough for them to figure out who the pilot was.
Well, so much for that!

H/T: Ivan Turner via email


  1. Knowing the police as I do i'm sure there will be a new post being advertised very soon as "drone liason officer".
    Hours Monday to Friday 9-5.

  2. I wonder if downing the thing would be seen as appropriate use of a shotgun?

  3. I've confiscated my grand-sons catapult.

    I must get some practice in tomorrow.

  4. "...that we would seek to enforce against..."

    Enforce what?

    Plod's job is to enforce the law, and not to decide what is/isn't "to be enforced against".

    Fred Plod further went on to define 'that which is to be enforced against' as anything being done without Plod's explicit permission, or of which Plod doesn't approve, or which Plod doesn't understand, or which smacks dangerously of individual freedom.

    Furthermore, it is Plod's intention to change the UK legal system from it's current state as one where:-
    "everything is permitted, except that which is expressly prohibited"
    into their desired one in which
    " everything is prohibited, except that which is expressly permitted".

    It is to safeguard your children and foil the terrorists, of course.

  5. Is 'Babylon' on Channel 4 a real fly on the wall documentary? I'm sure it's the msot realistic thing on the old bill around at the moment - down to the clown supt staff officer

  6. "Knowing the police as I do i'm sure there will be a new post being advertised very soon as "drone liason officer".

    Hours Monday to Friday 9-5."

    I suspect you're right!

    "I've confiscated my grand-sons catapult.

    I must get some practice in tomorrow."


    "It is to safeguard your children and foil the terrorists, of course."

    Of course!

    "Is 'Babylon' on Channel 4 a real fly on the wall documentary?"

    It's damned good, isn't it?
