Tuesday 16 December 2014

More Of This, Please, Until They Get The Message!

The first driver, Khader Ahmed Sharif Abdi admitted the charge before Bristol magistrates and was given a conditional discharge, and ordered to pay a contribution to the prosecution costs.
The second driver, Sheikh Omar Mohamed, was found guilty by Bristol magistrates and fined a total of £340.
The penalty for a second offence should be removal of their licence. For 20 years.


  1. You're perfectly correct, Julia in regard to removal of licence.

    If they fail to fulfil its terms & requirements, they should not be permitted to retain it.

    Unfortunately, whilst we have lefty-dominated judiciary, magistracy & local authority - all scared to hell of having the epithet "Racist" applied to them, they will continue to kow-tow to these arrogant demanding foreigners.

    When I am free to sit in the sun in Mecca, Riyadh or Karachi and enjoy a cold beer or two, then I might - just might - consider giving their dubious creed a tad of allowance.

    Until then, my country - my rules!

  2. "Unfortunately, whilst we have lefty-dominated judiciary, magistracy & local authority - all scared to hell of having the epithet "Racist" applied to them, they will continue to kow-tow to these arrogant demanding foreigners."

    Sadly true.


    Whose car is it?"

    Doesn't matter. It's a condition of the taxi licence. Don't like dogs? Get another job!
