Thursday 29 January 2015

“Hello, Health & Safety? I’d Like To Report A Dangerous Slippery Slope…”

Mr Brown said his work to bring about changes to legislation to protect women from domestic abuse has helped him deal with the grief felt over his daughter's death.
But he insisted that more could be done to protect women from abusive men, including improved use of the police national computer to identify potential abusers.
I’d love to see what criteria they plan to use for that!

Do we have any bald, floating psychics stashed at Home Office HQ..?
Salford and Eccles MP Hazel Blears said: "The fact there have been almost 4,000 applications shows just how serious a problem domestic violence is in this country and two women a week are killed by a current or former partner. We should be looking to protect those who could be at risk of abuse wherever it is safe and appropriate to do so.
"We should also be gathering evidence about how often disclosures lead to people ending their relationship, and ensuring they are then getting all the support they need at that point."
Oh, fabulous!

Just chucked your boyfriend because the police check came back positive? Don’t worry! Someone from the government will come round with a crappy DVD & a bottle of wine and listen to you tell them you were too good for that bastard anyway…


  1. I'm all for these police checks. Anything that has the potential to reduce dead beats having unwanted kids is good by me.

    But I want to check to see if that floosie I'm eyeing up has any previous on false claims for rape.

    I won't hold my breath though.

  2. So 2 women a week are murdered by their abusive partners eh? Any chance of an ethnic breakdown of these alleged murders? No? I wonder why?

    I wonder how many men will be on the "Potential murderer" list because of the equally sided friday night slanging match via text? As we all know women are always totally blameless when it comes to "Domestics"..

  3. Lord T also get her to sign a consent slip with a tick box selection if what is and isn't permitted before engaging in any sexual activity!

  4. Re: Lord T.

    There's no such thing as "false claims for rape", the claims were cruelly ignored/rejected by The Patriarchy.

  5. "But I want to check to see if that floosie I'm eyeing up has any previous on false claims for rape."

    Don't be silly! That'd be equality. We can't have that!

    "Any chance of an ethnic breakdown of these alleged murders? No? I wonder why?"

