Friday 30 January 2015

I Think Sussex Police Should Buy Them A New Puppy..

...since their lack of appropriate action contributed to this:
Police had previously warned Benji's owner, Julie Cooksley, 61, that she must keep control of her pet after the animal had attacked another dog.
But they didn't take any action. And so...
She was fined £250 and ordered to pay £215 in costs and compensation when she appeared at Crawley Magistrates' Court.
Once again, a level of 'compensation' that won't even cover half of the monetary value of the lost pet, let along compensate for the trauma.

Sussex Police website says:
"If you see a dog dangerously out of control in a public place please call 999. If you are worried about a dog that is not an immediate threat email or call 101."
"And we'll issue warnings that have far fewer teeth than the animal... "

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