Wednesday 28 January 2015

One Story, Two Headlines...

First, the 'Daily Mail': 

Next, the 'Guardian':



  1. Another example of people not being able to link what happens in politics with real life.

    Anti immigration = politics, Immigration control = real life.

    They can not see one begets the other.

    People who would not go anywhere near a PEGIDA rally, and wants them banned, yet holds EXACTLY the same views on immigration etc as expressed in PEGIDAS policy doccument!

    no wonder we keep getting the same old shite as "Governments."

  2. There is a subtle difference. One is that immigration is so lax it allows killers asylum. The other is that all immigration is restricted.

    I can see they are obviously pro immigration but only of the right people.

    Of course that won't make a blind bit of different. This is a key statistic for anti immigration people so they will need to suck it up but good on them for making a stand for what they believe in and not just retaliating to all immigrants.

  3. "Another example of people not being able to link what happens in politics with real life."

    They are usually fine with real life, so long as that real life happens to other people.

    "I can see they are obviously pro immigration but only of the right people."

    An impossible dream.
