Tuesday 27 January 2015

Well, I Guess This Is Proof The Gender Wars Are Over?

I mean, clearly all the big issues have been resolved?
Marks & Spencer is at the centre of a new sexism row for its decision to aim a range of dinosaur-themed children’s clothes — in partnership with the Natural History Museum — only at boys.
So the ‘Let Clothes Be Clothes’ campaign group and someone from the ‘Women In Science and Engineering’s’ young women’s board immediately mounted their hobby horses and began rallying their shrill troops.

As happens after every tedious little slight these harridans pick up on, after a social media campaign, the company immediately gave in. Thereby ensuring that they will never, ever be free to do anything these unrepresentative groups don’t like.

Not to be outdone, the anti-racism mob needed to find something even stupider to die in a ditch over, and they managed it:
Argos faced “racism” accusations today after selling white dolls for £10 more than their equivalent £24.99 black and Asian ones.
The chain store apologised and blamed “a genuine online pricing error”. It added: “We are urgently rectifying this and can confirm all three dolls will be priced at £24.99.”
So those who prefer a white doll won’t be gouged for an extra tenner? Result!


  1. Recently I was visiting my brother with my two daughters. He has two sons of similar age. My youngest decided that afternoon was a perfect time to forget all of the important lessons of potty training, and I realised that I didn't have any spare undies for her. No problem - my sister in law offered me a pair of briefs featuring a prominent 'Fireman Sam' logo on the crotch. My daughter refused point blank to even entertain the idea of wearing 'boy pants' and I had to bribe her to wear them in the end... Because, even at 3 1/2, and despite the amount of attempted conditioning on my part, little girls want to be girly and wear things that sparkle and are cute and PINK!
    I'd be delighted if my daughters ever wanted to wear clothes with dinosaurs on them, I really would, but the fact is that it simply isn't going to happen. The marketing experts at M&S know this, but that still won't stop the shrill...

  2. "Because, even at 3 1/2, and despite the amount of attempted conditioning on my part, little girls want to be girly and wear things that sparkle and are cute and PINK!"

    Indeed so. Those who want to try & brainwash this out of their kids are welcome to try, but are doomed to failure.

    They might, of course grow up - like me - to hate the colour, mind you!
