Friday 9 January 2015

So Much For The Revisions To The Dangerous Dogs Act...

A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police confirmed the incident on Monday had been reported to officers, but added the woman had decided not to make any official complaint.

What was the point of changing the law to make it possible to prosecute attacks on private property  then?


  1. If there is no complainant, there is no offence. What do you want them to do, beat a complaint out of her?

  2. They don't require a complaint to act.

  3. They don't require a complaint to act.

  4. ?? How does that work then?

    If there are no witnesses, except the owner and the Bitten, and the bitten does not want to make a complaint....then..?

    I CAN see she may change her mind when she gets billed for the treatment, but other than that.
