Monday 23 February 2015

Did Yorkshire Ambulance Service Roll Out The Wrong PR Piece?

Ben Holdaway, of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, said: "We are aware of the incident that took place in Bradford.
"We would like to reassure members of the public that patients' needs are at the heart of everything we do and providing a safe, responsive and high quality service to the people of Yorkshire is our main priority.
"However, any attacks on our staff, both verbal and physical, are completely unacceptable and we operate a zero tolerance policy towards violent and aggressive behaviour."
Or is Mr Rumel not being entirely candid about his or his family’s part in this story?


  1. "Mr Rahman said they challenged paramedics about the incident adding they were met with staff telling them to "f*ck off". "

    Why would anyone vaguely reasonable "challenge" the paramedics who had had nothing to do with the original incident but turned up later to help?

  2. "Why would anyone vaguely reasonable "challenge" the paramedics..."

    Good point! But it's not unknown for our wonderfully diverse population to get a little excitable, is it?
