Monday 23 February 2015

Wait, Now The 'Guardian' Is In Favour Of Surveillance By State Agents..?

As British counter-terrorism officers were accused of failing to pick up on signs that the teenagers may have been radicalised online, the father of Amira Abase, 15, said she had never discussed an interest in jihadism with him but “maybe with friends”.
Hussen Abase, 47, revealed that Amira had claimed she was going to a wedding on the day she went missing, but instead secretly met up with her Syria-bound friends.
Yes, I remember when I was 15, going off to a wedding alone with my passport and... wait, what?
Aamer Anwar, a lawyer for Mahmood’s family, said on Sunday they were “incredulous” that the contact could go unnoticed by Scotland Yard and other counter-terror agencies.
“We are aware from contact with Special Branch and the police that her social media contact is regularly checked and regularly monitored,” he told the BBC.
“The idea that a young 15-year-old should make contact with Aqsa, who’s regarded as a terrorist, yet no action is taken – the family of that young girl do not have the customary knock on the front door.
Maybe because if she had, the likes of the 'Guardian' would have been piling on the hysteria about 'demonising Muslims'..?


  1. XX Amira had claimed she was going to a wedding on the day she went missing,XX

    Bollox alert!

    If she was friendly enough with the peole getting married to be invited to the wedding, then, as is usual with thir sort, the whole family would have been invited any way. Or at least would have known every intimate detail of all involved.

  2. If they had arrested her while she was on her way as she was 'planning' something would they still be happy. I do think they shouldn't criminalise contact but conspiracy when you start planning things in detail where intent is clear makes sense but where is intent clear. State says one thing but I think that is way too vague. Mechanics are prosecuted for having a video of bomb making and a pile of car filler. Neither of which is illegal.

    Our CT guys are screwed all ways though. As a libertarian I don't want them doing anything until a crime is committed but most want them to be proactive which means thought crime.

  3. Because obviously being so disconnected from your own child and thier internet activity just *has* to be the fault of the state doesn't it...

  4. "Just popping out Mum, can I have my passport and the 'plane fair to Turkey ?"

  5. Are the 3 jihadi girls victims of state inaction or the 1400 girls in Rotherham?

  6. "If she was friendly enough with the peole getting married to be invited to the wedding, then, as is usual with thir sort, the whole family would have been invited any way. "

    I know, it just doesn't make sense!

    "Our CT guys are screwed all ways though. As a libertarian I don't want them doing anything until a crime is committed but most want them to be proactive which means thought crime."

    Can you imagine the usual suspects screaming about this if the police and security services had been doing what they now say they should?

    "... just *has* to be the fault of the state doesn't it..."

    Everything is. EVERYTHING!

    "Are the 3 jihadi girls victims of state inaction or the 1400 girls in Rotherham? "

