Monday 16 February 2015

Ever Wonder Why We Have So Many Pitbulls In This Country?

Wonder no more...
A man who allowed his pitbull terrier to maul a police dog which was called to the scene of a suspected burglary has been spared jail.
Carry a knife = automatic jail sentence. Carry a four-legged knife, and nothing happens.
Brett Gerrity, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West said: “A police helicopter was deployed as well as two officers with a police dog.
“The dog was so dangerously out of control that after all efforts to get it under control failed, police were forced to shoot it.
Pity they didn't put a couple of rounds in the owner too...
Karl Millward was sentenced to 6 months in a Young Offenders Institute suspended for two years, 18 month Supervision Order, disqualified from keeping a dog for five years and ordered to pay a £80 Victim Surcharge.
David Roscoe, 18, of The Glen, Ribbleton, was given a 12 month Community Order with 140 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay a £15 Victim Surcharge after pleading guilty to attempted burglary.
What, they think he'll be a responsible dog owner in another five years? Madness!

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