Wednesday 4 February 2015

Funny How They Never Worried About Stirring Up ‘Anti-White Working Man Feeling’…

…all those other times they filmed abattoir abuses:
Animal Aid said it recognised that there was a risk of the video stirring up anti-Muslim feeling, but added: "Withholding release of the footage would be a betrayal of our key mission: to expose and combat animal cruelty."
Odd, that, eh?


  1. Islam, cruel to man and beast.

  2. I think they worry too much. That pot is spinning at 9000rpm already and is well past spilling over.

    Bless him though worrying about those poor oppressed people.

  3. So, they feel emboldened enough to "attack" Suidaephobes now, and feel all rightious about it.... what about Kosher?

  4. "So, they feel emboldened enough to "attack" Suidaephobes now, and feel all rightious about it.... what about Kosher?"

    As I pointed out over on 'Orphans', it's past time we stopped BOTH practices until pre-stunning is brought in.

  5. But pre-stunning IS in. It is just that these shower of bastards have had the law changed for them.
