Friday 6 February 2015

Not Such A Hard Man, Clearly…

Mr Johnson's son arrived on the scene and carried Thai away from Mr Toole.
"He didn't acknowledge or speak to him," said Miss Cronshaw, who added that the victim had no offers of help. In hospital Mr Toole had steristrips applied to a bite on the right side of his face. He also suffered a puncture wound on the right side of his neck, a bitten finger and a grazed hand.
"I found it very traumatic, particularly as the owners showed no concern whatsoever.
"They didn't have the common decency to check I was okay," said Mr Toole, in a statement read out in court. When interviewed by police, Johnson said the dog had escaped from a previous property on a number of occasions and added that he would not consider using a muzzle on the animal.
"He failed to show any remorse, but admitted the offence," said Miss Cronshaw.
Typical vicious dog owner. What’s needed is for the courts to crack down on…

Chairman of the bench Mark Hardman said he was not ordering the dog to be destroyed immediately on condition that he be muzzled when in the front garden or in public and kept on a lead.
"If the dog bites anybody or does anything like this again, there will be no coming back — the dog will be destroyed immediately," he warned.
We’ll be seeing this one again, mark my words.