Thursday 5 February 2015

When Is Getting Drunk A Problem, Putting You At Unnecessary Risk? When You’re A Man…

A police chief has called on students to “reflect very deeply” on their drinking - after a fourth river death in just 15 months was only averted by a dramatic rescue.
Assistant Chief Constable Dave Orford said “reckless consumption of alcohol” had played a part in the deaths of Durham University students Sope Peters, Luke Pearce and Euan Coulthard in the Wear since October 2013 and a fourth tragedy was only prevented by the bravery of his officers.
“My appeal to the student body is to reflect very deeply on these four incidents. “I believe the reckless consumption of alcohol has played a part in all of them – and there’s a high degree of responsibility there.
“You need to look after yourself and your friends. Don’t leave university either with a prosecution from us or having put yourself or your friends at risk.”
His uncompromising message was echoed by Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg, who said he was totally shocked at the incident and it was very fortunate Durham was not mourning the loss of another young life.
“A lot of this is about personal responsibility. This young man was seriously drunk. He wasn’t able to look after himself.”
All no doubt totally true. And certainly, personal responsibility was totally lacking here.

However…should a young female student come forward alleging rape while in a drunken state, will they be similarly unsympathetic and judgemental about her drinking?

Reader, I say they wouldn’t bloody dare


  1. Young bloods go off to Uni, young bloods show off their manliness by drinking and smoking and sniffing. Uni is in a town with a river running through it. Young bloods haven't been pissed in Amsterdam. I have. I think I have shrunk from all the dousings I have suffered. Today's Uni students are much thicker than in my day, no Uni place for me, far too thick.

  2. Julia, your defence of men, in any and every situation, is admirable but it does get boring, and it begs the question..what is wrong with this woman that she hates her own sex so much?

    You are obviously unmarried, you don't have children and you have zero empathy with anybody who is not rich, white, and male.

    Maybe you are really JuliaN? Maybe you are just a bitter loser? Certainly, you are very boring.

  3. Anonymous.. you're a vile witch.

    Julia is simply not a misandrist.

  4. "Today's Uni students are much thicker than in my day,"

    And Uni doesn't seem to be remedying that, any more...

    "...and it begs the question..what is wrong with this woman that she hates her own sex so much?"

    Whatever gave you that idea? I don't hate 'my sex', I loathe the creatures that use it as an excuse or a shield.

    "You are obviously unmarried, you don't have children and you have zero empathy with anybody who is not rich, white, and male."

    Correct, correct (thank god!) and wrong, oh so wrong.

    "Anonymous.. you're a vile witch."

    Or one of those strange chaps that thinks cuddling up to feminist horrors will get him some.

    Newsflash anon - it won't, and if it did, it wouldn't be worth it!
