Thursday 5 March 2015

An Accident No-One Could Have Foreseen..?

Jean Innes lost the top of her middle finger on her right hand while she was out canvassing in Old Whittington earlier this month.
Oh, for Christ's sake, not again! Does no-one read the news?
Jean, a Chesterfield borough and Derbyshire county councillor, is now calling for dog owners to fit letterbox guards to prevent the grisly attack from happening to anyone else.
Well, of course she is...

How about an appeal based on the children to round it off nicely?
Labour politician Jean, of Highland Road, New Whittington, added: “I’m concerned this could happen to someone else.
“We often take children and grandchildren out with us – it could have been one of them.
“Nobody should be exposed to these dangers.”
And nobody would be, if they simply KEPT THEIR HANDS OUT OF THE BLOODY LETTERBOX!

Are these people morons?

H/T: Old Holborn via Twitter


  1. Keeping hands out isn't always possible though, the stiff draught-excluding brushes inside many letterboxes now make it almost impossible to push thin bits of paper through without using some fingers.

  2. When I was 13 I did a paper round. Even at that age the strict instructions we were given about never putting your fingers into a letterbox seemed rather daft and indeed simply common sense. It makes perfect sense really - even if there isn't a dog, a snappy letterbox can make a mess of your hand. It was really easy to do as well - open the flap with one hand and push the item in with the other. I did that round for about a year and avoided any entanglements with dogs and I never injured my hands once. I'm not suggesting that Councillors don;t have the common sense of 13 year olds or anything... Sod it. I am suggesting that. There isn't a violin tiny enough for me to play for this particular dunderhead...

  3. "Keeping hands out isn't always possible though, the stiff draught-excluding brushes inside many letterboxes now make it almost impossible to push thin bits of paper through without using some fingers."

    I believe some posties carry a tool for just that task!

    "...even if there isn't a dog, a snappy letterbox can make a mess of your hand."

    Good point!
