Thursday 5 March 2015

Well, They Would Have, PC Keates…

…if they didn’t spend it all on political campaigns and huge salaries for their executives:
PC Keates said the rising number of cases was a concern and the public played a key role in stopping it. He said: “As a rural officer I have a good relationship with the RSPCA and they have not got the funding they need to put an officer in every area.”
I bet if there were TV cameras around they'd be down like a shot!
“We rely very much on the public being our eyes and ears.
“If you are the person that sees someone setting a dog on a badger then you have the evidence.
“Once the offence is done it is very difficult to prove.”
Yes, your job is often difficult. So what?
Bosses at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said it received 27 reports of the crime in the county last year - making it the fourth worst area for the crime in the country.
In 2013, there were 15 cases reported in Lancashire and nationally the charity reported a rise of 33 per cent, from 449 reports to 594.
I wonder what occurred over the course of time to make this an issue? Hmmm. Let me think.


  1. Give me your money. Give me more money. Give me all of your money. Print some more money, then give it to me. They will never be satisfied, there will never be enough money. Not after the thieving rent seekers have taken their wedge.

  2. It's no excuse for cruelty, but there are far too many badgers. The hedgehog population is falling rapidly, except in areas of badger culls, where their numbers have doubled. Ecologists still list bonfires, farmers and cars as reasons for their rapid decline, despite clear evidence that this is not the case.

  3. "They will never be satisfied, there will never be enough money."


    "It's no excuse for cruelty, but there are far too many badgers. The hedgehog population is falling rapidly..."

    Agreed, though I'm not sure that's entirely down to badgers.

    We rarely see our usual garden hedgehogs (even squashed on the roads) lately. And we are badger/farm free.
