Tuesday 7 April 2015

Blogging notice

Blogging (and Tweeting and replies to comments) will be absent for a few days while I battle with a case of conjunctivitis that struck over Easter. Normal service - apart from those few already scheduled posts - will resume when I can once again see out of both eyes!


  1. Oh dear! I do hope you feel better soon. May your recovery be swift and not at the expense of too much Optrex...

  2. Get well soon Julia, God Bless and come back to the fight: underided chav violations of the laws of God and man and the unscoured imbecilities of PC officialdom are the planet’s second most common cause of sadness in puppies.

  3. Had a bout of lurgey myself over the break, not nice is it? Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Sorry to hear that Julia. Hope you get well soon.

  5. 'conjunctivitis' stops blogging?

    Can't see it myself...

  6. Take a well-earned break whilst you're there. Get better soon, Julia and not to get you back working but because I just want you better.

  7. Get well soon Julia I can empathise having spent Easter with an ear infection, must be the time of year. Get

  8. Please get well soon. As they say over the pond; missing you already.

  9. Some toilet rolls. A basin of clean salt water, and a bucket.

    You use the toilet tissue as a wipe, to soak in the salt water, then you bathe one eye, and the wipe goes straight into the bucket, via nowhere.
    Repeat as necessary.


  10. Thanks all!

    I think I'm on the mend - left eye still a little blurry but no longer quite so red or itchy. Another week will see me right, I hope.

  11. Thanks all. I'm getting back to (semi) normality and catching up with replies to comments now.
