Friday 17 April 2015

No, I Don't Know Where The UK Police Get Their Reputation For Being Politically Correct Cowards From, Either...

Detective Superintendent Paul Furnell, head of public protection, said: “The way we have gone about this campaign has caused some concern. This was not the intention of our message and for that I apologise.
“We have listened to our partners and we have reached the decision to foreshorten this particular part of the campaign.
“The posters were not intended in any way to blame victims. I understand the concerns that have been raised about the poster and they will be withdrawn. I would like to stress that the posters were well intentioned with the sole aim of preventing people becoming victims of crime.”
Well, it's about time the police realised their error and apologised for these campaigns to shame motorists into believing it's their fault for leaving things in their cars that no-good scrotes then ste...

Wait. What?

OK. Never mind....


  1. All this the day after a young woman was found dead in Glasgow after separating from her friends... Perfect timing, feministas.

  2. The police sent me a package which included a UV pen for marking property, hints and tips about shed security, and advice on what to do when going on holiday so the house doesn't look uninhabited.
    They should have saved themselves the trouble and concentrated on the reduction of burglar culture by teaching men not to be burglars.
    I could then leave the house unlocked, the keys in my scooter, and the windows open in the certain knowledge that if my property went missing it would be nothing to do with me.

  3. Anon, It is nothing to do with you. If crime was solved and people punished correctly then people wouldn't steal from you. It wouldn't be worth the risk. We spend billions on security that isn't need just in case some scrote decides that he wants your stuff.

    We waste billions every year on things we do not really need to protect from people we shouldn't have to. If the government didn't get so much from the taxes generated the problem would be looked at differently.

    In the PC world we live in it it is funny how if you don't do everything to prevent someone stealing it is your fault but if you get raped and you have done nothing then it isn't your fault. In my opinion it isn't your fault for both of those. However I accept that we don't live in a world where that happens so potential rape victims should also protect themselves by default. Most do, we read about the ones that don't.

    What is so special about rape anyway? Is it because it is predominantly done to women and by men. It seems like it to me

  4. This subject had once prompted my comment that plod responsible were acting like morons. Upon further reflection, I apologise to all morons slighted by that comparison.

  5. I have a couple of thoughts on this
    1, The Police should have known that there would be this type of reaction from some people and been ready for it (or not bothered in the first place if they couldn't deal with the shitstorm.
    2, If I were in charge, anybody should be able walk anywhere at anytime in safety, and anyone who assaulted them would be liquidated, but I'm not, so if you want to reduce your chances of being assaulted, don't end up on your own, while pissed. Sensible advice whomever it comes from.

  6. So, these new freedoms which women have which allow them to wear what they like, to walk where, when and in whatever disarray they choose are not at all provocative? Human nature works in mysterious ways, especially on young and inebriated minds. What part of Seducing Uncle 1.01 didn't you get or at least care to remember the night before your regrets?

  7. Oh good Melvins back,I was worried that the rock he lives under had crushed him.

    As for the story-isn't Brighton the only place that voted for an idiot Green Party MP and is now reaping the whirlwind? The Supernintendo should have known better than to criticise the number one feminist band-wagon that all men are rapists.

  8. XX Detective Superintendent Paul Furnell, head of public protection,XX

    I thought "Public protection" was the MAIN aim of the Police.

    Now they need a special section?????

    O.K, stolen lawn mowers are of GREAT concern, and deserves a whole division to its self, but....

  9. peepal wot as there deer petral mowers nicked wus just beggin for it innit anyway it wud takes a week to seeze enuf weed to buy it for reel if i cud be arsed wi my gardin

  10. Sad Melv, very sad!

    Nursey be with you soon, change the nappy and give the meds!

  11. "All this the day after a young woman was found dead in Glasgow after separating from her friends... Perfect timing, feministas."

    They never fail to FAIL!, do they?

    "They should have saved themselves the trouble and concentrated on the reduction of burglar culture by teaching men not to be burglars."

    Sexist bastard! Why can't women do this traditionally male role, then, eh?

    "What is so special about rape anyway?"

    Two words. Identity politics.

  12. "The Police should have known that there would be this type of reaction from some people and been ready for it..."


    "I thought "Public protection" was the MAIN aim of the Police.

    Now they need a special section?????"

    Depressing, isn't it?
