Monday 18 May 2015

If Nappies Do ‘Evolve Into Semi-Simian Creatures’…

…maybe we can hire them as science teachers?
Dagenham Park science teacher Martin Blake uploaded a recital of Dustbin Strikes to Youtube. In it, the bespectacled wordsmith rails against pig heads left in bin bags across the borough and calls for the council to grant GMB’s demands before residents are left “swimming” in municipal waste.
Clearly, they couldn’t do a worse job…
Writing it is in everyone’s interests to pay bin workers a “fair wage” , he tells the council to end the “appalling state of affairs” so discarded nappies stop “learning to evolve into semi-simian creatures”, which he claims they have mastered in the “millennia since the last bin collection”.
How about simply suggesting that the bin workers get back to work, Martin?
He told the Post strikers deserve admiration.
“I’m absolutely in support of the strikers,” he said. “I appreciate that at this time the government are making cuts but I don’t think you should cut rubbish bin services.
“They do a job none of us are willing to do and I’m in absolute admiration of what they do – the council are being tight with their money.”
I almost wish the council would say ‘You’re right! We’ll give in. The extra money will come from the schools budget…’, don’t you?
Cllr Dominic Twomey, cabinet member for finance, says giving in would be financially irresponsible when making savings is essential.
“There is no way we will let the GMB hold us or our residents to ransom,” he said.
I drove through some of the area last weekend, and couldn’t help but think that all the rubbish and rotting food strewn around the streets was simply helping to make the growing Somali population feel more at home…


  1. The binmen are right. Hows about the council gets rid of a few non-jobs and pays the councillors a less obscene salary? That should make the savings, instead of yet again taking it out on front line workers.

  2. Taps "Giveafuck-o-meter".. I think it's broken again..

    The days of binmen being those of the remedial class with good strong backs are long gone. The money they get these days means that they're now mostly media studies graduates.

    Long gone are the days of them going round the back and lifting heavy metal dustbins full of wet ashes, emptying it, and putting it back. Now unless it's withing 2" of the curb, and the rubbish is not higher than the rim of the bin they wont touch it.

    Sack them, sack them all. Let's see how they get on in a real job working in the private sector for minimum wage.

  3. Oh I agree about getting rid of *ALL* the council non-jobs, however, binmen are on fucking decent money, on average work 25hrs a week but still get paid for 40. I concede that not all of them are stroppy, bone idle shiftless little fuckers, but a goodly proportion of them certainly are, and don't exactly endear themselves to their customer base.

  4. XX The days of binmen being those of the remedial class with good strong backs are long gone. The money they get these days means that they're now mostly media studies graduates.XX

    I thought Media studies WAS a degree for the remedial class? (Forget the "with good strong backs." They are all a load of weak kneed pansies.)

    The "degree" is fucking useless for anything else except emptying bins, of stacking shop shelves on the night shift, where their "Igor" like actions, looks and IQ will not scare off any customers that may see them in daylight.

    Unless they find a "job" in the "Express" or "Mail," that is. Then no one would notice the difference.

  5. Some years ago, our local binmen went on strike following a union diktat over an unrelated matter. A number of enterprising members of the public found out where the union leaders were living and deposited several weeks worth of smelly, rotting, rubbish outside their houses. The message seemed to get through as the binmen were back at work a few days later.
    Not certain who is to blame over this situation as councils are known to cut front line services so that human resorces and LGBT management consultants can continue their lucrative tax payer funded lifestyles.

  6. I wish the council would take it as an obligation to remove rubbish: if the binmen have withdrawn their services, I am sure the council has throngs of underemployed diversity, climate change and general busybody officers to deploy. Give them some fresh air and contact with those they purport to serve.

  7. Home composting, weekly bonfire, small bag taken to work. What's left?

  8. "The binmen are right"

    Actually, no. See follow up post next week.

    "Long gone are the days of them going round the back and lifting heavy metal dustbins..."

    Except at Christmas, when they hope for a Christmas Box. If I ever need to dump a body, that's when I plan to do it!

    "Unless they find a "job" in the "Express" or "Mail," that is. Then no one would notice the difference."

    Or even the 'Telegraph' these days... :/

    "...and deposited several weeks worth of smelly, rotting, rubbish outside their houses."

