Tuesday 19 May 2015

No, Judge David Owen-Jones, You Aren’t Thinking At All…

Margaret Allgood, 35, admitted using her van to force a people carrier into the oncoming lane of Somnes Avenue, Canvey, while three times over the drink-drive limit.
Judge David Owen-Jones warned Allgood he thought she should go to prison, but said he would give her four weeks to attend an antibinge drinking course for the sake of her children.
Actually, drink was the least of her issues..!
Allgood, who had been drinking vodka and lager through the day, started swerving and flashing her lights, so Mr Bradbry slowed to 30mph.
She pulled alongside, then swerved towards Mr Bradbry’s vehicle twice, forcing him on to the verge to avoid a crash. Mr Bradbry accelerated in a bid to get away, but she caught him at the Waterside Farm roundabout, sped up the filter lane and swerved towards him again, as he entered Somnes Avenue, forcing him into the oncoming lane. He slowed, in a bid to let Allgood pass, but she slowed too, to prevent him turning in.
Allgood rammed Mr Bradbry’s Galaxy, pushing the side of the car for three or four seconds. Mr Bradbry, scared he would be forced off the road, pulled up and confronted Allgood, who punched his arm and kicked his vehicle.
A man who acted in this fashion would be picking his teeth up from the floor. But no doubt Allgood relied on general reluctance to hit a woman to get away with this behaviour.
Allgood, who admitted at Basildon Crown Court driving with excess alcohol, dangerous driving and common assault, is due to be sentenced on May 29.
It’ll be another soft sentence for someone using the fact they've procreated as a ‘get out of jail free’ card…


  1. With a handle like Allgood she should get a sentence for fraud as well.

  2. 25 years hard with no remission. That should keep her out of harms way and help her kids get on in life without the impediment she represents holding them back - that is assuming they haven't been too tainted already.

  3. Sounds rather like attempted murder to me.

    The male driver's restraint was no doubt informed by the likelihood of him ending up in gaol and her going free if he had laid a finger on her.

  4. Pussy pass ?

  5. How have we arrived at this pass?

  6. XX Anonymous said...

    Sounds rather like attempted murder to me. XX

    Prove "Intent to kill."

  7. "Prove "Intent to kill.""

    "Margaret Allgood, 35, admitted using her van to force a people carrier into the oncoming lane "

    What did she think might happen if there was a head-on collision?

  8. EXACTLY! "What did she think?"

    And prove in court that she thought, and it was her intent, that they MAY die!

    All she has to do is say that was not her intent, and the case is thrown out.

    Mens Rea is notoriously hard to prove.

  9. "With a handle like Allgood she should get a sentence for fraud as well."


    "The male driver's restraint was no doubt informed by the likelihood of him ending up in gaol and her going free if he had laid a finger on her."

    Almost certainly the case :/

    "Mens Rea is notoriously hard to prove."

    Especially if you hail from Canvey Island...

  10. This judge let the man who sexually abused me as a child off with a fine last month after making similar statements about a prison sentence. He also let a child porn collector who was a man off with counselling when it should have been prison. Soft touch judge.

  11. http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/local_news/9626826.Mum_wept_as_judge_locks_her_up_for_train_assaults/
