Wednesday 10 June 2015

Gaming 1995: "The Dig" (Dell 486)

And so to Lucasart's 'The Dig'. Probably the last true ‘point & click’ game I ever played, it was an engrossing game, with a great score and some memorable voice actors.

The puzzles weren't too difficult ('Myst' drove me insane!) and the storyline, while a bit cliched, kept you hooked. I even bought the novelisation, though that was after I'd played the game, and mostly on the strength of the author's reputation...

This is another that is overdue for re-release on Steam or some other platform.


  1. You can get it on Good Old Games (GOG) for about $8.00.
    Hope that helps.
    Geoff Ding

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats12 June 2015 at 10:34

    One of my all times faves. I loved Day of he Tentacle too.

  3. Myst I, II,and III also drove me insane - until I learnt how to cheat....

  4. "You can get it on Good Old Games (GOG) for about $8.00."

    I think I still have my copy in the loft, though would probably need emulation software to get it to work now...

    "One of my all times faves. I loved Day of he Tentacle too."

    Yup, LucasArts were king at one point.

    "Myst I, II,and III also drove me insane - until I learnt how to cheat...."

    It's amazing how much the internet has ruined good old fashioned discovery and trial & error in games.

  5. GOG do the emulation for you. It's the lazy nostalgics way.
    Geoff Ding
