Wednesday 10 June 2015

Yes, Integration’s Going So Well, Eh?

Martin Kolberg, 34, manager of Magic Touch hair salon, also in Ripple Road, is worried the illegal development will impact upon his business.
“There was no warning of anything happening, no one came round to see us, we just saw the building work start up one day so I wasn’t too happy about that,” he said.
“Having lots of people on the street outside will discourage customers, especially if they’re going to be washing their feet outside.
“It’s not very hygienic next to a hair salon.”
That probably won’t even be noticed in Barking, mind you…
Manager of nearby Ripple Road restaurant Portvgalia, Julie Csador, 52, is also concerned.
“Last week was really, really bad,” she said. “The pavement was really dirty because of the building work.
“If I don’t clean the pavement outside my cafe the council would fine me.
“I have nothing against the religion but they shouldn’t be building there.
“The parking is already bad for residents but it will just get even crazier.”
She's not likely to be wrong about the parking, as Fahrenheit211 points out...

And the culprits? Well, they fall back on the ‘Why are you pickin’ on me? Boo hoo!’ tactic:
But courier Ali Khan, 35, from Redbridge, who worships at the current mosque on occasions, insists there is a great need for the building among the local community.
“It’s not going to be used every day, just for Friday prayers, but it’s absolutely necessary,” he said. “Like people going to church on a Sunday.
“It’s really unfair from the council, it’s just going to be open for about half an hour a week.”
It’s not ‘unfair’, it’s the way things are done here.
Chairman of the Ripple Road mosque Mohammud Islam, 46, said: “The current building is being redeveloped so we need somewhere to go.
“Whatever the council want us to do we will do.”
They want you to abide by the rules and regulations of the country. Just like everyone else.
A council spokesman said: “They have been informed that whether or not it is a temporary structure, they will still require permission as both planning and building regulations need to be complied with.
“In addition, they have been given 28 days in which to submit a planning application for temporary use of the site and 14 days in to submit a regularisation application in relation to Building Control regulations.
“Failure to comply with these deadlines will see the council take formal action and issue appropriate notices.”
Bulldoze the place.


  1. Chairman of the Ripple Road mosque Mohammud Islam, 46, said: “The current building is being redeveloped so we need somewhere to go.
    “Whatever the council want us to do we will do.”
    How about finding space between the waste recycling depot and the traveller "settlement"?

  2. Completely agree however, “It’s not very hygienic next to a hair salon.”, is a bit of a stretch as far as reasons go :-)

  3. Why doesn't he offer free bacon sandwiches to his customers and new neighbours.

  4. Mohammud Islam said “Whatever the council want us to do we will do.”
    A done deal then, Mohammud?

  5. Bunny

    “Whatever the council want us to do we will do.”

    Now if the council were to request mass suicide?

  6. Does NO one in Britain know where to get hold of 50 liters of pigs blood, to spread on the building site?

    Come ON!

  7. Its only going to be used on a Friday? Riiight.
    So they wouldn't be like those supposedly multi faith places that somehow rapidly turn into Islamic places where non muslims are forced out by threats of violence and end up becoming defacto mosques?

  8. "How about finding space between the waste recycling depot and the traveller "settlement"?"


    "Does NO one in Britain know where to get hold of 50 liters of pigs blood, to spread on the building site?"

    I'd try Lancashire, but it all goes towards black pudding production!

    "Its only going to be used on a Friday? Riiight."

    Exactly! These things have a way of spreading.
