Wednesday 10 June 2015

So, How’s That Diversity Drive Working Out, Met Police?

Not so good, eh?
Pc Taiyab Darr, who serves in Newham, had denied common assault but was found guilty on Thursday.
Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard how Pc Darr, 36, had assaulted the 24-year-old on April 7, 2014.
A report of wrongdoing was made by his colleagues and following an investigation by the directorate of professional standards, Pc Darr was charged with the assault.
He was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay costs of £500 and a £100 surcharge.
Dep Ass Comm Fiona Taylor, from the directorate of professional standards, said: “We are naturally disappointed that an MPS officer has been convicted of an assault.
“His behaviour clearly fell well below the high standards we expect of our officers and is it right that he was held to account in the criminal courts.”
Pc Darr will now be subject to a misconduct review.
And will be out on his ear, right? Not let off because he ticks a box?


  1. Conspicuous by their absence are the videos of amputations and street decapitations performed by uniformed diversity...when 'cultural' support from the Judiciary is at hand, so to speak.

    On the related point, fixed CCTV complimented by citizen camera phones, form a rein on plod dishonesty. The Met's former option of erasing or editing version(s) to which it always had ready access, now entails the serious risk of discreditation.

  2. I'm glad my job title isn't 'Dep Ass Comm'.

  3. And Melv contributes nothing useful or interesting to the debate - as usual. Nurses come in later an' tuck you up with nice clean pads Melvy. Yum!

  4. @ Anonymous

    Hi plod. There are occasions when I briefly descend to the intellectual gutter but I don't have much time for you now. Try to figure your own good time, of course...just how your inferences make poles at the extremes of contradiction.

  5. "On the related point, fixed CCTV complimented by citizen camera phones, form a rein on plod dishonesty."

    Body cameras will be an improvement, especially if used in court. Lawyer's excuse will likely have to get more creative!

    "I'm glad my job title isn't 'Dep Ass Comm'."

    Yeah, they didn't think that one through, did they?
