Wednesday 24 June 2015

It Must Have Been Quite A Large Side Door…

Unusually, Jenns was allowed to enter the crown court through a side door rather than the public entrance after an application from her lawyers.
And why..? Well, you see, she’s a victim, innit?
Despite using Jenns' weight as mitigation, Mr Bridge told the court on Monday that she had been subjected to "the modern-day equivalent of the stocks".
He said some online reports of the hearing two weeks ago had attracted more than 2,500 comments "many of which were vile".
The barrister claimed that one of Jenns' relatives had to be taken out of school after allegations of bullying after her conviction.
Yes, those are consequences of being a careless killer behind the wheel of a vehicle who then employs a legal defence that seeks to blame the real victim for crossing the road and then pleads her weight in mitigation when it fails to work...


  1. She might loose a bit of weight on a 2.5 year prison diet, although it's more likely that one hundred pies a day will be deemed her human right and given to her.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats24 June 2015 at 14:37

    She missed a trick. She should be suing motor companies for making vehicles she can't squeeze her lard into - Ka, Corsa, Peugeot 106. Mini etc. Cos she's a victim of fatist discrimination, innit.

  3. Er Bucko, she'll probably be out in 15 months (minus any time served, if any,) but yup - her propensity to be able to feed her face 24 hrs a day should be reduced to whatever she can cram into her maw in only 1 hr....

  4. XX hoping for a gastric band to be fitted, which would "increase her life expectancy quite dramatically". XX

    That is ALL we fucking need!

    Let the bitch die!

  5. PJH - True, she will. She'll still be frigging hungry if she can't get the 'uman rights lawyers to secure her a daily pie van.

  6. and not a shred of remorse for KILLING someone, oh no its all about her and how terrible her life is and how she is the real victim here,
    what a worthless waste of space,the only thing she`s good for if a source of fat for candles.
    though I bet they`d smell bloody awful, chips and sweat and self pity.

  7. How quickly can you move a leg of that size from the throttle to the brake pedal? The Highway Code ahould have an extra column of increased stopping distances that allow for the time it takes to accelerate and position that quantity of lard.

  8. "... it's more likely that one hundred pies a day will be deemed her human right and given to her."

    Nah, they'll want her to be able to fit through the cell door come release time. She's overcrowding another prison all on her own!

    "...and not a shred of remorse for KILLING someone, oh no its all about her and how terrible her life is..."

    It's sickening, isn't it?

    "How quickly can you move a leg of that size from the throttle to the brake pedal?"

    I'd have thought she had them all covered!
