Tuesday 23 June 2015

Hang On, Surely It’s ‘Poverty’ And ‘Racism’..?

Pensioner Beryl Noden, 81, of Northumberland Park, said: “At my age I’m used to this sort of thing, it happens all the time, it’s dreadful.
When will they ever learn? God knows there’s enough violence and people killing each other in the world.
“The police have a really tough job around here but they do a wonderful job let me tell you.”
Gosh! That’s something you don’t hear every day, isn’t it?
A man who did not wish to be named said: “Kids these days are too trigger happy, there is a problem with guidance, role models and structure for young people in Tottenham.
“This is a societal problem that needs addressing sooner rather than later. In my day things were settled with fists but nowadays its guns and knives which means young people die, it’s an awful shame.”
Well, Man Who Will Not Be Named, you’ll never make it as a CiF columnist with that attitude!


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats24 June 2015 at 14:40

    Strangely, I have no qualms with scum who habitually carry guns and knives offing each other. It's their innocent victims I reserve my sorrow for.

  2. XX Gosh! That’s something you don’t hear every day, isn’t it? XX

    Surely that should be "is it." ???

  3. Sometimes I really think that we should reinstitute the practice of duelling,if these tough guys really want to show what brave men they are, how worthy of respect they are, then perhaps they should let the other guy actually have a chance to shoot back,instead of ambushing their opponent mob handed as seems to be the style these days.

  4. "Strangely, I have no qualms with scum who habitually carry guns and knives offing each other."

    Me neither.

    "Sometimes I really think that we should reinstitute the practice of duelling..."

    Channels 4 and Five can duel first, for the broadcast rights.
