Saturday 25 July 2015

"I See No Ships Caravans..."

A Suffolk Police spokeswoman said: 'There was a small police presence near to an unauthorised traveller encampment on Grange Farm, Kesgrave on Thursday evening, following reports of community tension.
'No crime or disorder has been reported and police will continue to monitor the area.'
No crime other than appropriating land that doesn't belong to you?
A Facebook group - Kesgrave Traveller Awareness - was set up and already has nearly 4,000 members. One resident, who did not want to be named, said: 'The residents have blocked the Millennium Field, they've blocked Fentons Way, and access to the woodland.
Another resident said: 'As far as I am concerned, it's a good idea. I personally don't want travellers living 200 yards away from me. They've already made a mess of the other site and prevented the local community from using that green space.'
Ah, another crime. Fly tipping.
Suffolk Coastal District Council had pursued legal action to move the group and the case was brought before magistrates in Ipswich earlier this week. But it was adjourned until next week after a new Section 77 notice to evict them from the site had to be lodged.
It is understood the original notice only covered the original group which reportedly arrived on June 15, not the additional travellers which arrived a week later.
Despite the prospect of further legal action, the travellers maintained that they were unable to leave. Mr Delaney added: 'It is what it is. We cannot leave here until we get it sorted. We don't want to cause any hassle and we keep the place tidy and clean.'
But one resident added: 'I am pretty sure for the collective price of all those caravans they can buy some bit of land of their own to live on.
Joseph Jones, spokesman for the Gypsy Council, said: 'I think it is the down to negativity in the media. People hear about travellers arriving and think of the stereotypes.
'It is up to residents how they want to behave. There is always people like that and there will always be people like that.
'If they are going, they are going to be in the area for only a short time.'
The residents aren't the ones that leave the area looking like a bombsite or open-air lavatory, are they? a message to his constituents Tory MP Dr Dan Poulter said he hoped the travellers would be moved on 'in the very near future'.
He said: 'I am pleased to confirm that the Council is taking legal action to have the travellers removed from the site.
'But, as part of the legal process, Suffolk Coastal have come across a judge who appears to have some sympathy with the Travellers.
'I am hopeful that this situation can be successfully resolved and that we will have moved the travellers on in the very near future.'
Excellent! Let's see more criticism of the judicial system and less acceptance that the council's hands are tied. Because when the travellers' presence affects something the council has planned, then the evictions come so fast they make your head spin!
The 45-strong group turned up at the Dagenham park last night after being moved on from nearby Mayesbrook Park, just weeks after they were evicted from Castle Green.
Police used powers under section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to remove the travellers quickly.
That's this group. They didn't last more than 12 hours at this park. So councils can do it, if they want to...
During the eviction process there was a significant police and council presence with a council security staff located on every park gate throughout the borough to ensure that they could not relocate to another site.
A council spokeswoman said the One Borough One community day in Parsloes Park will run as scheduled, from 11am to 10pm tomorrow.
“We would like to reassure everyone that the event is going ahead as planned, we have security on site and we do not envisage any problems with the programmed activities,” she added.
So you know what to demand from your local council in future!


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats25 July 2015 at 10:33

    A group of Pikeys in my nack of the woods are a bit more canny. They've purchased a static caravan park, evicted the residents along with their static caravans and moved their own lot in.

    I am awaiting the reaction of the local council. I wonder if some genius will find a way to work around the planning permission that came with the purchase of the site. Meanwhile there's sod all the local villagers and farmers can do about it.

  2. There is at least one other solution that has been used regarding the mess left behind. The use of ANPR on the vehicles will allow the council to have them identified and seized,once they leave the site, pending reimbursement for the clean-up costs. Councils have done this to house bound fly tippers so why can't they use this legislation on travellers?

  3. When did the British become such colossal pussies? A while back I presume.

  4. And when did a bunch of Irish chancers with an aversion to tax, vehicle insurance, and anything other than just demanding everything for nowt, become a race or notable ethnic minority?

  5. "I wonder if some genius will find a way to work around the planning permission that came with the purchase of the site."

    Almost certainly... :/

    "The use of ANPR on the vehicles will allow the council to have them identified and seized,once they leave the site, pending reimbursement for the clean-up costs."

    Would they have their own genuine plates, or would I get the bill?!?

    "When did the British become such colossal pussies?"

    I don't think our decline has reached bottom yet. Do you?

    "...a bunch of Irish chancers with an aversion to tax, vehicle insurance, and anything other than just demanding everything for nowt..."

