Friday 24 July 2015

Unless You’re A Woman, Of Course…

Mr Cole said the question of alcohol abuse would be a central feature of the case, with the defendants and Mr Passmore all having long-standing problems.
He added: “The Crown says that when you attack someone repeatedly with both a knife and a pair of scissors, in the way that Mr Passmore was attacked, then at the very least there was an intent to inflict really serious harm.
“The relevance as far as alcohol is concerned is that a drunken intent is still an intent. You cannot hide behind alcohol and say that you were drunk so you didn’t know what you were doing.”
Unless you’re a woman crying rape after a drunken night’s encounter with what seems, in hungover daylight, a partner you wouldn’t have picked when sober.

Then, you totally can hide behind it! With the blessing of the criminal justice system…


  1. "a drunken night’s encounter with what seems, in hungover daylight, a partner you wouldn’t have picked when sober."

    Been there. Didn't cry bloke rape though

  2. I reckon you think those men convicted in Aylesbury are being crucified by young females screaming rape. No?

  3. "Been there. Didn't cry bloke rape though"


    "I reckon you think those men convicted in Aylesbury are being crucified by young females screaming rape. No?"

