Sunday 23 August 2015

Fun With Zoology, Part II

The MSM is little better than the smaller press, mind. The recent shooting of a lion sent the copywriters off on their own hunt for evidence of bloodlust, with predictable results.

Ummm, no.

No 'deer' in Africa...

No 'water buffalo' in Africa, and that's a gnu anyway!

Yeah, that's a much safer caption...


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats23 August 2015 at 12:37

    I hate tripping you up, Julia but there is such a thing as an African Water Buffalo. It is also known as the Cape Buffalo. Still doesn't look anything like a gnu but hey, it has horns right? That's good enough for some journalists.

    Nice catch on the other stuff though. :0)

  2. Julia, that is a wonderful catch of yours there. It has just gone viral around the pub. Now that I have my pad back I can thank you. Thanks.

  3. I'm a gnu! Spelled "GNU", the gnicest work of gnature in the zoo...

    Oh yeah that's my earworm for this afternoon!

  4. Bunny

    Poachers who kill things for sport, surely some mistake!

  5. "I hate tripping you up, Julia but there is such a thing as an African Water Buffalo."

    Oh, Synoceras caffer is a much different animal than it's Asian cousin (Bubalis, I think, can't be asked to Google). Despite the lazy devs in my 'Deer Hunter 2014' Kindle game using the same model for both!

    "Julia, that is a wonderful catch of yours there."

    As you'll see this Sunday, they've not learned!

    "Oh yeah that's my earworm for this afternoon!"

