Friday 18 September 2015

Another /Golfclap For The Great British Justice System...

John Palmer, of Morris Avenue, admitted ignoring the order at Halton Magistrates' Court after he was banned in 2011 from possessing a dog.
The court heard how the 32-year-old was arrested after police carried out a raid at his home in Latchford on July 7 and seized two American Bulldogs.
Palmer was also arrested for drug possession after a quantity of cannabis was discovered at the house.
If the name sounds familiar, well, it should do. So is it 'throw the book at him' time?
Magistrates sentenced Palmer to pay £360 in court costs, a victim surcharge and a fine after admitting the two charges.


  1. But just try being a pensioner who hasn't paid their TV tax or Council Tax.

    Being potentially lethal to the rest of us plebs is of no consequence - but challenging the authority of a despotic state to pick our pockets is an offence for which they would prescribe capital punishment, if they could.

  2. "...For The Great British Justice System...:

    As I've said before, we don't have, and never have had, a British Justice System.

    What we have is a British Legal System:- a different beast entirely!

  3. It seems what we have is a lawyer-enriching system...
