Friday 11 September 2015

Face Facts: Your Son Was Breaking The Law Too…

…and it was the main factor in his death:
Ms Momtaz, who worked as a communications adviser to former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, told the Standard: “It’s as if because of the speed Sami was travelling it had to be his fault. The CPS didn’t take up the case, even though this man was breaking the law by being on the road in his car. At the inquest it felt as if Sami was on trial. But there was no evidence to show the case against the other driver had been properly looked at. There’s been no justice for Sami. It breaks my heart.
“What sort of message does it send out if you can drive a car without insurance, be involved in someone’s death and effectively face no consequences?”
Well, what sort of ‘message’ does it send out when you do twice the posted speed limit in a mostly residential street and then blame the other driver who had no time to react?
He had been riding at 60mph in the lead-up to the accident in Lordship Lane last June and hit uninsured Steven Orford’s people carrier at 35mph after applying the brakes.
The fact that the other driver was uninsured is irrelevant here. And the CPS are quite right to lower the charge.
Mr Ahmed’s mother Hasina Momtaz, from South Norwood, has campaigned to get the CPS to review its decision and had hoped an inquest at Southwark coroner’s court on Tuesday would prompt prosecutors to do so.
But coroner Shanta Deonarine found the circumstances did not constitute gross negligence on the part of Mr Orford, saying: “It is clear that his bike was travelling at speed and as a result of the collision Sami made contact with a Vauxhall Zafira and two other vehicles, sustaining injuries which resulted in his death.”
It was only sheer luck that no-one else was killed or seriously injured by this idiot’s speeding motorbike.
A CPS spokeswoman said: “We looked at all the evidence in this case including the suspect’s and the victim’s manner of driving leading up to the incident. The evidence did not establish any fault on the part of the suspect in the manner of his driving.
“We therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction in either of these charges.”
Quite. There’s no-one more at fault here in his demise than him.


  1. Why have they illustrated the article with a picture of a matryoshka doll?

    And given the amount of make-up on it, I'm not sure of the point of the hijab...

  2. It all fits in perfectly with their culture of victimhood, no responsibility, it's always somebody else's fault.
