Sunday 13 September 2015

Fighting The Image Of Gay Men As Bitchy Queens? Yr Doin’ It Wrong…

Last week, while chatting to a man on Grindr, Knight told him he was HIV positive. The man replied that he “wasn’t ready for that kind of complication in my life”.
Knight then posted his retort on Facebook.
His response, “Oh you still wear flared jeans… I’m not sure I’m ready for that kinda complication in my life,” received hundreds of likes and a stream of positive comments.
The conversation on Grindr went downhill from there.
Knight wrote: “He went on to say, ‘Someone in your situation should be a bit more realistic,’ to which I replied, ‘Well the good news is my HIV can be treated. Your fashion sense however…’”

I just…

H/T: @Obtuse via Twitter


  1. 'Gay' is a strange euphemism for a disastrous wiring condition. I mean, it never occurs to me to describe the tree lights as having gone 'gay' every Christmas.

  2. Well they could always appeal to Elton John to step in and moderate on the issue on both sides.......

  3. Meh.

    At least they weren't lawyers...

  4. "Well they could always appeal to Elton John to step in and moderate on the issue on both sides...."

    Oh, boy! I hope if he's offered tea or sushi, he doesn't partake...

    "At least they weren't lawyers..."

    Silver lining... ;)
