Monday 14 September 2015

The Word You’re Looking For Is ‘Poacher’…

A hunter bundled a wild deer into his car and slit its throat before boasting it made "a good meal for ten".
That doesn’t sound much like the actions of a hunter to me…
Shahid hauled the injured deer into his car after taking it from a field off Mitchley Avenue on December 23 last year.
He transported it alive to his home, where he cut its throat. Later that he posted on the Facebook group Deer Stalkers International, boasting of killing a deer that had "made a good meal for ten".
Facebook users reported the post to the police, who were also contacted by a member of the public who saw Shahid putting the deer in his car. Officers from the Metropolitan Police's wildlife crime unit searched Shahid's house on February 18. He was charged with killing a deer under the Deer Act 1991 and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.
Police also seized air weapons and hunting gear from his house. Shahid pleaded guilty to both charges and was given a four-month jail term, suspended for two years, yesterday. He was also ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work.
Interesting use of terminology by the ‘Croydon Guardian’ there. Even the police call this what it is – poaching. Not hunting.


  1. Townies know no different. Hence the ridiculous laws regarding hunting to control vermin. Maybe they are worried that the word poaching carries with it images of ruddy faced yokels snaring his Lordships stray pheasants for the pot.

  2. Sounds pretty much like all other halal killings. I'm surprised he was prosecuted.

  3. It's the kind of thing settled pikes do in their housing association houses dahn Swanleeeeeeee

  4. "Maybe they are worried that the word poaching carries with it images of ruddy faced yokels snaring his Lordships stray pheasants for the pot."


    "Sounds pretty much like all other halal killings. I'm surprised he was prosecuted."

    Me too.

    "It's the kind of thing settled pikes do in their housing association houses dahn Swanleeeeeeee"

    I don't think halal is their cup of, errrr, tea, is it?
