Monday 28 September 2015

The Green Party: Never Afraid To Tackle The Big Issues

Marriage certificates are "profound unequal" because they fail to recognise the mothers of the bride and groom, MP Caroline Lucas has told the Prime Minister.
*rolls eyes*
She said: “It’s hard to believe that this inequality on marriage certificates still exists. This throwback to the past must be rectified – and quickly.
“The Prime Minister promised to make this change, yet no action has been taken.
"He should urgently address this profound inequality and change marriage certificates to record the details of both the mother and father of the bride and groom.”
And amazingly enough, this is something Cameron has indeed set in motion...
Speaking last summer, Mr Cameron said: “The content of marriage registers in England and Wales has not changed since the beginning of Queen Victoria's reign.
“This clearly doesn't reflect modern Britain and it's high time the system was updated.”
He said he had asked the Home Office to investigate how marriage certification can be reformed to include the details of both parents.
Well, we all know how long it takes the civil service to do anything. I’m sure they’ll consult and deliberate accordingly.

What’s your hurry, dearie?
Ms Lucas is urging fellow MPs to sign the motion to put pressure on the Government into taking action to address the "longstanding inequality".
She was spurred on after seeing an online petition by Ailsa Burkimsher Sadler, which received 70,000 signatures calling for the change.
One supporter wrote: “My mother raised me on her own, making thousands of sacrifices along the way. My dad never did anything useful or kind for us.
"I don't understand why I had to put his name on my marriage certificate. I can't be alone in this.”
The motion notes that "our law should not perpetuate the offensive and outdated message that marriage is a business transaction between fathers".
Hmmm, really? That’s going to be a bit tricky, isn’t it?

Because the Home Office already seems to have accepted ‘the offensive and outdated message that marriage is a business transaction between fathers’, doesn’t it?

Oh, wait. My mistake. That’s only for certain communities.


  1. All the other green issues must have been resolved as she apparently has 4call better to do . . .

  2. I met her once - mad as a bag of wasps she is.

    Now my rule of thumb is whatever she's against I'm for & vice versa

  3. All they lack is a map, compass and destination; otherwise the Greens are on their way.

  4. Well for Cameron it sure beats being asked to explain exactly what his "red lines" on the European Union referendum are, doesn't it?

  5. Actually, minus the semi literate and hyperbolic language I, for once, agree with her. There are a lot of problems being put forward by the feminists that are entirely imaginary, this one, I think, is genuine and would take very little trouble to change.


  6. Well at least they provide comic relief.

  7. "Now my rule of thumb is whatever she's against I'm for & vice versa"

    A handy time-saving device!

    "There are a lot of problems being put forward by the feminists that are entirely imaginary, this one, I think, is genuine and would take very little trouble to change."

    I think describing it as 'a problem' is to mutilate the English language!

    "Well at least they provide comic relief."

    So, they have replace the Raving Looney Party? ;)
