Tuesday 29 September 2015

Why, It’s Like* Being Marooned On A Desert Island..!

At least 20 out of 44 homes in Sunnyside Park, Ringwood have been without landlines and, for some, broadband after a devastating fire at a neighbouring home destroyed overhead cables on Wednesday, August 19.
Despite multiple phone calls and two visits from engineers, the line is yet to be repaired, leaving residents without mobile phones unable to communicate with the outside world.
Cut off! Marooned! OMG!

We aren’t, however, told what percentage of the 20 homes were lacking mobile phone coverage…
Resident Peter Jackson described his disbelief at the situation. “The amount of difficulty BT has put us through is unbelievable. I’ve received three texts from them saying the fault has been repaired when it hasn’t….”
Wait, hang on. You got texts?

Well, you’re not even one of those ‘totally cut off’ then, are you?

*Not at all like


  1. Now she wonders into my territory without a by-your-leave...

    My landline phone has been out for a week now, though the broadband is still just about working. Happened last month too...whole week before BT 'fixed' it. Tad annoying when you have family members who can't get their heads around mobile phones. But on the other hand no cold calls for a week.

  2. Anybody who has to deal with OpenReach, ever, for any reason, has my heartfelt sympathy.

    All by themselves they probably lower the UK's GDP growth by at least 1% a year.

    Useless, useless, wotnots.

  3. "Tad annoying when you have family members who can't get their heads around mobile phones. But on the other hand no cold calls for a week."

    Every cloud... ;)

    "Anybody who has to deal with OpenReach, ever, for any reason, has my heartfelt sympathy."

    Really? I've found them quite good, on the few occasions I've had them in.
