Friday 18 December 2015

It’s Official! The Cat’s Out Of The Bag!

Joseph Stiglitz reaches the racist conclusion that black people aren’t agents of their own destiny at all:
Some white Americans, however, have attempted to shift the blame for dying younger to African Americans themselves, citing their “lifestyles”. It is perhaps true that unhealthy habits are more concentrated among poor Americans, a disproportionate number of whom are black. But these habits themselves are a consequence of economic conditions, not to mention the stresses of racism.
See..? It’s all the white man’s fault!


  1. If the white man had never set foot in Africa what would their lives be like now? It would still be like a scene from Rorke's Drift.

  2. The Yanks really should have picked their own cotton.

  3. "If the white man had never set foot in Africa what would their lives be like now?"

    Very few would be going to university to whinge about statues of that university's alumni, that's for sure!

  4. XX If the white man had never set foot in Africa what would their lives be like now? add the middle East and, no oil, no gold, no diamonds, just a gang of wasters siting under trees and shitting in their own drinkinh water, waiting for someone to invent the great God "UN" with his big white wagons ful of free food.
